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Social Media Persuades a Large Health Insurance Carrier to Change

My neighbor recently had a disagreement over a payment and an unpleasant customer experience with Independent Health, a large health insurance carrier that operates in Buffalo, NY and the surrounding area.

To release some of his frustration, he posted an entry to his blog, in which he recounted the entire episode and even created a mock ad, revealing how the organization treated him.

A few days after publishing the post, Independent Health (to its credit) contacted my neighbor and agreed to cover the full amount of the disputed payment.

Score another one for social media. Never underestimate the power of this emerging bullhorn.


Initial post in which neighbor vents on his blog:

Follow up post recounting Independent Health's response:


  1. All the Texas Health Insurance policies protect people from hospitalization bills. However, besides the cost of hospitalization, people need to find out money for food or refreshment when a person is hospitalised.

  2. The blog delineates how hard the author has taken a shot at this.
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